The Call for abstracts for CWW2025 is now Open
Abstract submission is open until 11:59pm CET on February 15, 2025.
The main theme around which the CWW2025 program will be structured is: “Coexistence in a Changing World: Sharing Existing Knowledge, Challenges and Emerging Solutions”
CWW2025 will include a range of plenary sessions, panel sessions, individual talks, scientific workshops and posters on the topics outlined below.
We are aiming for a conference with physical attendance and live presentations. However, we also recognize that many potential contributors may not be able to attend in-person and are planning a hybrid in-person/virtual event with virtual oral presentations (to be recorded). All in-person and virtual conference attendees will have access to recorded presentations.
All abstracts submitted will be reviewed by the Scientific Advisory Committee of the conference made up of 18 international experts.
The program for CWW 2025 will be structured around 12 key topics:
- Landscape-level approaches to address wind energy/biodiversity challenges, particularly those affecting multiple land users and stakeholders
- Regulatory and planning aspects of wind energy projects (including research efforts to inform regulatory or voluntary conservation decisions)
- Applying the Mitigation Hierarchy: case studies and good practice examples of avoidance, minimization and mitigation, including off setting and restoration
- Wind energy and biodiversity in practice
- Species-specific responses of onshore and offshore wind energy projects
- Population and cumulative effects, including climate change
- Ecosystem and habitat effects of on and offshore wind energy projects
- Lessons learned in marine and terrestrial environments for wind energy development
- The Mediterranean Basin and wind development : trends, key issues and case studies
- Emerging markets and wind development: trends, key issues & case studies
- Innovation to advance wind energy and biodiversity science : novel conceptual, methodological, and technological approaches
- Future challenges, emerging solutions and technologies
Abstracts submission
Details are provided on the attached link
Call for abstracts guidelines- We invite you to submit an abstract for an oral presentation, a poster, a workshop or a special session (for example, for a panel).
- Contributors located outside of Europe, the United States and Canada can choose to provide an abstract for a 5-minute-long pre-recorded video presentation if they are unable to attend CWW2025 in person.
- Live oral presentations will represent the largest part of the conference. Sessions will be organized according to the topics of the conference.
- Workshops and special sessions will also take place during the conference. If you would like to run an interactive workshop on a scientific topic or a special session with multiple presentations dedicated to one of the conference topics, or have a new topic in mind, please submit an abstract that outlines the proposed topic, length of the workshop/session, invited speakers and how many people you expect to attend.
Abstract submission is expected using Ex Ordo.
To access the platform, follow this link: https://cww2025.exordo.com
You will be invited to create an account and will find guidelines for abstracts on theplatform.
We look forward to receiving your abstracts and seeing you at CWW2025!
If you have any questions, you can contact the organizing committee on Ex ordo or at info@cww2025.org
More information
Below are listed some general information for presentations and posters.
More detailed guidelines will be sent later to selected contributors.
Oral presentations
- It is necessary to personally deliver the oral presentation. Each presentation will be 10 to 12 minutes-long and will be part of in a larger session (5 to 6 speakers). Those sessions will plan about 3 minutes of questions per speaker, with Q&A occurring at the end of each session.
Speakers are expected to attend CWW2025 for an in-person oral presentation with the exception for contributors located outside of Europe, the United States and Canada, who can choose to provide an abstract for a 5-minute-long pre-recorded video presentation if they are unable to attend the conference in-person.
- A poster reception will take place at the conference on Tuesday, September 9 evening. Other poster viewing sessions will be organized from Tuesday September 9 until Thursday September 11.
During poster viewing sessions, authors will be kindly asked to stand at the poster to answer questions and discuss its work with the attendees. If you have multiple posters, we will group them in the same location on the floor so you can present them simultaneously.
The conference organisation committee can print the posters on site without an additional fee. We will there after ask you to submit the PDF format of the poster at the latest 3 weeks before the conference.
A prize will be offered to the best posters chosen at the conference.
Workshops and special sessions will also take place during the conference.
- Workshops will be held on Monday 8th and can last 3to 4 hours (half day workshop) or a whole day. The aim of these workshops is to encourage learning, collaboration, problem-solvingor the creation of new ideas, in an interactive and participative way. These workshops are intended to be directed on concrete tools/methods at hand (offsetting measures for example).
Special sessions are intended to allow projects or any other group of authors to present their own work for a longer period of time (1h to 1h30) than for other oral presentations.
If you would like to run an interactive workshop on a scientific topic or a special session with multiple presentations dedicated to one of the conference topics, or have a new topic in mind, please submit an abstract that outlines the proposed topic, length of the workshop/session, invited speakers and how many people you expect to attend.
You can in addition send a more detailed presentation of the proposed workshop or special session by email to info@cww2025.org
- We recognize that the cost of travel and attendance can be a barrier for attendance for some with in the community of students and professionals working in the field of wind energy and biodiversity and environmental interactions. At least four scholarships which cover the costs of conference fees, round-trip economy airfare or ground-transportation to/from the event, and for accommodation and subsistence during the conference will be awarded by CWW2025 organizing committee. More information about scholarships will be provided in January.
Approximate timeline for review and selection process:
- 11:59 pm CET, Ferbuary 15, 2025: Abstracts due
- March 2025: Submitters notified of abstract selection or rejection
- April 15, 2025: Deadline for selected speaker and poster presenter confirmation
- July 15, 2025: submission of the final version of abstracts due.
- August 4, 2025: submission of posters for printing due.
- August 4, 2025: submission of presentation for review.